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Six Process and Application Developments in Laser Micromachining

Laser micromachining is an industrial application of laser technology in which a laser with a certain power is focused on the object to be processed, causing the laser to interact with the object and heat, melt, or evaporate the material to achieve the processing purpose. Currently, the main applications of microprocessing in the laser manufacturing industry include laser cutting, laser marking, laser welding, laser engraving, surface treatment, and laser 3D printing. Below are the six major processes in the field of laser micromachining.

Laser cutting in laser micromachining


Using a focused high-power density laser beam to irradiate the workpiece, causing the irradiated material to quickly melt, vaporize, ablate, or reach its ignition point. Meanwhile, with the help of high-speed air flow coaxial with the beam, the molten material is blown away to cut the workpiece.


Laser cutting in laser micromachining is fast, with a smooth and beautiful surface finish, a one-time process, small workpiece deformation, no tool wear, minimal cleaning pollution, and can process metals, non-metals, non-metal composites, leather, wood, fibers, etc. It is suitable for the precision processing of sealed devices such as automotive body panels, automotive parts, lithium batteries, pacemakers, and hermetic relays that do not allow welding contamination or deformation.

Laser marking in laser micromachining


Using a high energy density laser to locally irradiate the workpiece, causing the surface material to vaporize or undergo a chemical reaction that changes its color and leaves a permanent mark.


This is a non-contact processing technology that can be used to mark any shape on any surface without deformation or internal stress in the workpiece. The process requires the use of specialized equipment, such as a laser control card and software, to adjust the laser beam's intensity and duration, ensuring precise control of the marking process. The processing accuracy is high, the processing speed is fast, it is clean and environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and suitable for marking materials such as metals, plastics, glass, ceramics, wood, and leather.

Laser welding in laser micromachining


Using a high energy density laser beam to heat the surface of the workpiece, the surface heat is transferred inward by thermal conduction, and by controlling parameters such as laser pulse width, energy, peak power, and repetition frequency, the workpiece is melted to form a specific molten pool.


The weldability is small, unaffected by magnetic fields, limited space, no electrode pollution, suitable for automatic high-speed welding, can weld different properties of metals, can work in confined spaces, and is suitable for titanium alloys used in circular saw blades, plexiglass, spring gaskets, copper plates for electronic components, partial metal mesh plates, iron plates, phosphor bronze, bakelite boards, thin aluminum alloys, quartz glass, silicone rubber, ceramic oxide plates with thickness of 1mm or less, and aerospace industry.

Laser engraving in laser micromachining


The laser irradiates the surface of the material, and the material melts or vaporizes instantly, forming a carved line.


It automatically skips numbers, has a small heat-affected area, fine lines that are resistant to cleaning and wear, is environmentally friendly and energy-saving, saves materials, and can be used for etching materials such as wood products, organic glass, metal plates, glass, stone, crystal, paper, two-tone plates, alumina, leather, and resin. The process is highly effective due to its ability to achieve high levels of detail and accuracy, making it useful in various applications such as signage, marking, and jewelry making. Laser engraving utilizes a specialized setup, such as a laser galvo, to precisely control the laser beam's direction and enable scanning over a large area to create the desired pattern or image.

Surface treatment in laser micromachining


Using a laser to heat the metal material surface to achieve surface heat treatment.


Fast processing speed, small workpiece deformation, precise processing, automated quenching effect, suitable for the heat treatment of cylinder liners, crankshafts, piston rings, commutators, gears, and other automotive parts. Laser micromachining surface treatment is also widely used in the aerospace and machine tool industries.

Laser 3D printing in laser micromachining


Using a roller to spread a layer of powder on the surface of the workpiece, the laser beam scans the powder layer according to the contour of the powder layer, causing the powder to melt and sinter, and achieving workpiece adhesion.


Simple processing technology, wide range of materials that can be processed, high processing accuracy, no support structure is required, high material utilization, combined with computer numerical control technology and flexible manufacturing technology, can be used for mold and model manufacturing.

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